National Security Adviser Dr Moeed Yusuf has said it is "shameless" of India to engage the Afghan Taliban in Qatar after having supported operations against the insurgent group for a long time. Yusuf was commenting on Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s recent stopovers in Doha to meet with the Taliban leadership in the Qatari capital twice in the last three weeks. Earlier this month, Indian publication The Hindu quoted a senior Qatari official as confirming that Indian officials made a “quiet visit” to Doha in order to meet the Taliban’s political leadership based there. Qatar’s Special Envoy for Counterterrorism and Mediation of Conflict Resolution Mutlaq bin Majed Al Qahtani was quoted by the paper as saying: “I understand that there has been a quiet visit by Indian officials to speak to the Taliban.” Also read: The danger in Afghanistan Asked whether the Indian government had opened direct talks with the Taliban during a press conference on ...